Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Treatments Available For Fungal Toe Nail Infections

You can confirm if you are suffering from a fungal toenail infection by visiting an apt foot clinic. The early symptoms of this infection include discolouration of the nail, crumbling at the edges, swelling, inflammation and possibly pain. These infections are caused by fungi, which require a moist and warm environment to thrive. The pathogens responsible for causing these infections tend to enter the nail through a crack or cut or even a separation between the skin and nail bed. There are times the nail gets separated from the nail bed.

Diagnosis Of Fungal Infection In Toes:
The first step is to make sure that you are infected, and this is done by a specialist also known as the Podiatrist, who examines the debris, which is scraped from the nail from the underneath. This is examined with a fungal culture or a smear test with potassium hydroxide. The fungal culture takes a longer time as compared to the smear test, which takes only a few hours.

Fungal Toe Nail Treatment And The Options Available
Once it has been determined that the patient is suffering from a fungal toe infection, the fungal toe nail treatment is decided on. There are multiple options for treating these infections and the choice is made by the Podiatrist depending on the severity of the infection

Oral Medications:
If the infection is in the initial stage, this can be treated with oral medications and anti-fungal creams and ointments. These medications tend to take around 4 months for the infection to be wiped out and the new nail replacing the infected one. There are cases where the podiatrist might decide to pull off the whole nail.

If the infection is a severe one, the Podiatrist might opt for surgery, which involves in removing the whole nail, so that topical antifungal can be applied directly to the infected area. This removal of the nail on a permanent basis can cure the fungal infection totally preventing a deformed nail to take its place.

Laser Treatment:
Opting for the laser treatment for toe nail infections has worked out as one of the best options as the patient does not require any anesthesia and also has negligible pain while this is being performed. Besides being a quick procedure this can ensure that the new nail grows fast as there is an increase in the flow of blood in the affected area. This can also help in the strengthening of the nails. This laser treatment is able to handle even the worst of nail infections.

Reasons For Opting For The Lunula Laser Therapy

Toe nails with a fungus infection might not be painful and can last for a long period of time. If not attended to at the right time, there are chances of this spreading to other nails and probably even the skin causing discomfort and embarrassment to an individual. There are multiple treatments for the infection like oral medication prescribed by the podiatrist or surgery besides the laser treatment. The type of treatment depends solely on the severity of the infection. This can be decided by the doctor and the patient is advised accordingly.

Difference between the Lunula Laser and other lasers
The Lunula Laser as compared to the other laser therapies is able to kill the bacteria and the fungus without causing any pain. This laser treatment is able to increase the flow of blood, allowing the nail to grow back fast and in a proper manner. There are quite a few patients who have their new nail in a matter of 3 months, while other laser treatments takes around 1 year for the nail to grow back. Besides this, unlike other laser treatments, the lunula laser is able to treat the other nails simultaneously. This can reduce the time for the required treatment. After this laser treatment most foot clinics provide the patients a package for post treatment. The first treatment with this laser takes around an hour. This laser is able to target all the tissues which are affected, killing the fungi.

Reasons for opting for the Lunula Laser Therapy
Before the introduction of the laser treatment for toe nails fungus, there was only oral medication and creams given to patients. If this did not work, then a surgery was carried out. Opting for laser treatment saves time and is convenient and effective as well. There are no side effects to this treatment and no requirement of any anesthesia, which works in favour of the doctor as well as the patient. It is quick and efficient way to get rid of the infection with a success rate of nearly 80%. The only sensation felt by a patient is the warming effect on the specific area.

The patients can find an improvement in the infection after the very first sitting and it requires only around 3 months for the nail to grow back. This treatment is repeated at fixed intervals with the doctors monitoring the improvement on a regular basis.

Different Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Onychomycosis, another name for toe nail fungus, is a common problem affecting a large percentage of people. The symptoms of this includes discolouration of nails, the crumbling of the edges of the nails, swelling, inflammation and also pain, though pain might not be experienced by all those suffering from this. Not having pain is no reason to ignore this foot ailment as this can lead to chronic problems like the infections spreading to the other nails and at times, even the skin. This fungus thrives in moist and warm conditions in those who have a low immunity system or are suffering from diabetes or even AIDS. If toenail fungus treatment is not opted for at the right time it can lead to the loss of the nail.

Options in the Different treatments available for toe nail fungus
Most of us tend to take this infection lightly and opt for over the counter non prescription drugs. This might help for some time, but you need to be aware that there is a possibility of this re-occurring if not treated in the right manner.

1. Anti-Fungal Oral Drugs:

If detected in the early stages, this infection can be treated with oral drugs prescribed by your Podiatrist. These drugs are helpful in the growing of a new nail while replacing the infected one. This treatment can last from 6 to 12 weeks but the new nail takes around 4 months to come up. The success of this treatment seems to be when you are able to combine this line of treatment with the antifungal topical therapies.

2. Removal of the Nail:

You might need a surgery to remove the nail, which is infected if the infection is severe and is causing a lot of pain. This can be decided only by your doctor. At times, ciclopirox is used along with the surgery for the treatment of the nail bed. You can expect a new nail to grow back but this procedure helps the new nail to grow in about 1 year’s time.

3. Light-based therapies and laser therapies:

The laser treatment for these infections has gained popularity over the other treatments as these are comfortable and quick. The heat energy and the laser beams target the fungus on the cell wall directly and cause cell death. This can increase the flow of blood to the affected nail and help in the growth of nail while strengthening it. This is one of the preferred choices as there is no anesthesia required besides this treatment has no side effects and is a quick therapy based on ‘walk-in’ and ‘walk-out’ system.

The Many Benefits of Laser Fungal Nail Treatment

Toe nail fungus is a common problem faced by many. If detected in the early stages this can be treated with oral medication but in case this is neglected there are chances of having to go through surgery. Before we talk about the laser fungal nail treatment, it is important to know what this fungus toe or nail infection is. This infection is also known as onychomycosis and is under the surface of the nail. This infection is caused by fungi, which usually thrives in a warm and moist environment.

The Working of Laser Fungal Nail Treatment
This treatment is carried out by shining a beam of laser right through the infected nail. This is able to vaporise the pathogens, which are embedded in the infected nail plate and the nail bed. These are the main causes of the infection. Most of the Podiatrists worldwide make use of the ‘PinPointe Foot Laser’.

The Many Benefits of the Laser Fungal Nail Treatment
This laser treatment works out effective and fast with impressive results as compared to the other forms of treatments used for fungus infections in the nails. The patients are benefitted in more than one way as

* There is no harm done to the surrounding area or even the nail
* Negligible pain experience
* There are no side-effects
* There is no requirement of analgesia
*This works well for any age-group
* The recovery time is quick
This treatment is able to increase the growth of the nail with the circulation of blood being increased, besides which, it is also able to strengthen the nail.

The Number of treatments required
The number of laser treatments required depends totally on the severity of the infection. A minor infection can take around 4 treatments. In case there is a re-infection then the podiatrists decides to opt for more than the given 4. The patients are monitored closely and are given emergency laser treatment if the need arises. You can look forward to a fully grown toe nail in a time span of 3 months.

Making the choice of the Foot Clinic
Looking for a foot clinic which can offer you a ‘painless’ treatment of the fungus infection can leave you relaxed. A well-reputed clinic, which has experienced podiatrists is advisable. A right podiatrist is able to detect the severity of the fungus infection and treat you accordingly, probably with oral medications or decide on the laser treatment.

Chiropody And The Reasons To Choose A Chiropodist

A Chiropodist is able to treat foot disorders, which are minor in nature and provide the right advice for foot care, in general. A treatment of chiropody London includes the removing of in-grown toe nails, cutting of the toe nails, removing corns, callouses and providing treatment for ailments of the feet, which include athlete’s foot, plantar warts or verrucae, foot odour, heels, which are dry and cracked and also sweaty feet. The strapping and padding are provided where essential. The person being treated by a chiropodist might be sent to a podiatrist for foot support on the in-sole or orthotics prescription.

Reasons to opt for a Chiropodist
There are multiple reasons to see a chiropodist. You do not need to wait for a foot ailment to do so.

1. A chiropodist is able to offer you advice which can be apt for the general foot care, besides which, they are able to give treatment which works in keeping your feet healthy without any risk of infections or other foot ailments. Chiropodist is able to detect problems, which, if left unattended, can develop into chronic problems and might affect your life style.

2. Visiting a chiropodist can be for a simple pedicure with the assurance that the right equipment is being used which are well sterilised. A chiropodist has the required knowledge of handling your feet even for cosmetically purposes.

3. A chiropodist will be able to guide on the right footwear required to avoid corns and fungus infections. This is beneficial in the long run.

4. A chiropodist who is well-qualified can advice you whether or not you need to see a podiatrist for any existing problems, even if they seem minor to the naked eye.

5. For those suffering from diabetes, it is essential to visit a chiropodist regularly so that any problems and infections can be taken care of in the initial stages itself. Diabetic patients cannot afford to wait and take any risks as a small infection, if not cured on time, can lead to the amputation of the limb.

For those of us who do not have any problems with our feet, a visit to a chiropodist can be a preventive measure. It can add to your comfort where the feet are concerned. Learning to cut the toenails in the right manner can avoid the in-grown toe nail problems. Chiropodist can not only help you with beautiful feet but also make sure you have feet, which can be termed as happy and healthy.

Visit A Podiatrist For Toenail Infections

Podiatry is one branch of medicine dealing in disorders of the ankle, foot and also the lower extremity, which includes toe nails. This includes the diagnosis and also the surgical and medical treatment of the disorders. A podiatrist is able to treat disorders of the joints and bones like soft-tissue and arthritis and circulatory and neurological disorders besides the infections in toenails.

Fungus Nail Infections and Podiatry
Podiatry London is a wise choice in case of any infections in the toenails as you can be assured that this will be rightly diagnosed and treated accordingly. Onchomycosis is a fungus infection found in toenails as this is one place which helps the fungus to thrive due to the warmth and dampness found here. There are multiple causes of this infection, some of which include walking barefoot in areas, which are damp, or an injury to the bed of the nail or even diseases like AIDS and diabetes. You should think of visiting a Podiatrist when you find any discolouration or thickening of the nails, or even if you find the crumbling of the nail edge. As this infection is not always painful, there is no way you will be able to judge.

Treatment and Diagnosis
Once this infection has been detected and diagnosed rightly, the treatment can vary depending on the severity of the infection. If detected early, the podiatrist will determine the cause and culture the nail and plan out the treatment. Most of the time, this can be controlled with oral medications and the removal of the nail matter, which is diseased and the debris. With the new oral medications available these days, you can be free of this infection in a period of 3 months.

There are certain cases where surgery is opted for, that is, if there are no other options available. This can be decided by the Podiatrist. This involves the removal of the nail on a temporary basis so that the topical antifungal can be applied directly to the infected area. A nail which has been causing pain for a long period can be removed on a permanent basis if this has not responded to any type of treatment. It is essential to opt for the Podiatric treatment as trying to solve this problem on your own can lead to problems, which are more serious in nature.