Monday, 26 October 2015

Risk Factors Which Amplifies Toenail Fungus

Nails are the dead cells of human body which are forced out from the human body. These nails are constructed of keratin and they don’t have any kind of sensitivity in them.  These nails are very helpful in protecting fingertips and soft tissues from getting damaged.Along with the protection, nails are also very helpful in identifying the health and physiological imbalance in human body. But, if the toenails are cracked, broken or there is gap between the nail and nail bed, then chances of getting fungus is high.

Toenail fungus is highly dependent upon the medical condition, diet and type of life style. Because, people who are suffering from diabetes and people who mostly stay in moist place, likely gets infected very fast with the toenail fungus. Hence, it becomes necessary to consult podiatric. A podiatric is a doctor, who is specialised in diagnosing and treating the medical conditions related with foots.   An experienced podiatric can acquire lots of information just by looking at the condition of patients toenails and accordingly provide the necessary fungal nail treatment.
Following are the risk factors which amplifies the chances of toenail fungus in human body:

1.    As a person starts to grow old, he encounters various problems such as reduced flow of blood in body, low immune system to fight with infection and slower growth of nails. All these factors contribute in amplifying the risk of getting infected by nail fungus.
2.    According to the survey, it is found that men get more infected by the fungus as compared with the women. 
3.    People who have a family history of fungal infection are more likely to get infected by this toenail fungal infection.
4.    Wearing shoes and socks that obstruct the flow of fresh air in the skin and has poor perspiration absorption can increase the risk of fungal infection.
5.    Athletes and people who experience rough foot and excessive wear and tear in their nails are more likely to get affected with this condition.
6.    This infection is contagious; therefore living with someone who is already infected with the fungal infection will increase the risk of getting infected.
7.    Walking barefoot in the areas like swimming pool and shower room increases the chances of getting the toenail fungus.

Hence, by avoiding above mentioned risk factors, one can easily avoid getting infected by this contagious fungal infection and stay healthy.

Preventive Tips For Avoiding Toenail Fungus

In present scenario, everyone is concerned about their looks, health and their hair but somehow they ignore the importance of healthy toenails. A toenail tolerates the most wear and tears in all conditions. They are usually covered in socks and shoes which increase the chances of getting infected by the fungus.

A fungus is a microscopic organism which do not require sunlight to survive, they usually intrude inside the body through the cut, crack or from the gap between nail and nail bed. Fungus mostly attacks toenails because they get warm and moist environment, which is very favourable for their growth.

A person who is suffering from this infection, experiences the thickened, brittle, distorted and dull nails which are dark and yellowish in colour. Sometimes patients also suffer from the pain and bad order. Therefore, it is advisable for suffering person to seek a help from experienced doctor and get a treatment for fungal nail infection. Apart from the treatment it is necessary for everyone to follow the following precautionary measures to avoid this type of infection:

1.    Always remember to dry your foot after washing it with soap and water.
2.    Always clip the toe nails regularly so that they don’t break or get damaged.
3.    Avoid wearing damp socks and shoes which can cause infection in future.
4.    Wear shoes that are proper in size and the material of shoes can avoid water.
5.    Always select the socks made up of synthetic fibre, which gets dry more easily and quickly as compared with wool or cotton.
6.    Always remember to apply antifungal powder or sprays before going to public places like pools and toilets.
7.    Ensure that your pedicure tools in a parlour are properly sterilized to avoid any infection.
8.    Never share your socks and shoes with another person to avoid getting infected by someone else.
9.    Always wear breathable socks to avoid getting sweaty feet’s.
10.    Disinfect the home pedicure tools and keep the doormats clean.

It is a well-known fact that precaution is always better than cure, therefore proper hygiene along with regular inspection of nails and feet’s can avoid the fungal infection. Hence, from the above mentioned precautionary tips, one can easily avoid the condition of fungal infection. If a person gets infected with the fungus, it is always better to get a professional treatment from the doctors to avoid complexity.

Medical Treatments For Nail Fungus

A healthy nail always looks pretty. Toenails may not play the major part in enhancing the appearance but, it indeed helps in amplifying the overall appearance. Like the other parts of human body, nails too need proper care and maintenance to look healthy and beautiful.

Toenails experience the least care and treatments from the people; hence they can easily get infected from the fungus.  This fungus can grow on the nails and if proper treatment is not done they can spread to the neighbouring nails. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the doctor to cure this condition. Nowadays, with the advancement of new technologies and treatments, it has become easier to have a fungal nail infection treatment.  There are following types of treatments available for the infection, depending upon the medical history of the patient and level of the infection:

1.    Over the counter medication:
In this type of treatment doctors prescribe different types of medicines to cure the infection. These medications help in breaking the cell walls of fungus, which triggers the death of fungal cells.  Some medication also helps in changing the PH level of fungus, which causes them to die. This process is very safe and usually patients do not experience any type of side effects.

2.    Oral antifungal medication for fungal infection:
Doctors prescribe various types of medicines to their patients to damage the cell wall of their nail fungus, which will ultimately trigger the cells of fungus to die. This type of medication increases the chance of liver failure or damage, resulting in the process of liver transplant. Hence, doctors religiously take the blood test to check the condition of kidney and liver for the treatment.  

3.    Laser treatment:
In this type of procedure, laser beams and heat is concentrated directly on the fungus cell wall, which helps in eliminating them from the root. This procedure is also helpful in increasing the growth of nails.

4.    Nail surgery: 
In this procedure the particular nail area is treated by removing the respective infected section and clearing the nail bed, after which healthy nail will grow back in some time.

From the above listed treatment procedures, one can get rid of the toenail fungus problem and can acquire a healthy looking nail. The success rate of these treatments is pretty high and they are helpful in eliminating the pain caused by the fungus in the nails.